
Avoid Dropouts!

Dec 23 | Recruitment

How to keep people in your recruitment process

Has this happened to you? After weeks of decision making, you realise your star candidate is no longer interested in the role!  Either you receive a one-liner or you can no longer reach them.

Candidates leaving an application process without forewarning is not uncommon and it’s not completely avoidable.

However, we believe you can minimise the risk. The key to keeping candidates engaged is to have open and transparent communication at all times.

Here are some tips:

  1. Communication: Encourage candidates to ask questions and use every opportunity to provide information beyond the job description. Each touchpoint is your chance to present your company’s USPs and to showcase the job details.
  2. Lay out the process: It’s important to lay out the recruitment process right from the start, so that candidates know what to expect and when. Reducing uncertainty will make your candidates feel more comfortable and confident throughout the application.
  3. Decisions, good or bad: Letting candidates know about your decisions, whether they are good or bad, is essential. Keeping them informed and updated about the status of their application is simply good practice and should get priority, even at busy times.
  4. Personal contact person: Assigning a personal contact for candidates to communicate with can help to build trust and establish a sense of being valued. Sometimes, picking up the phone one more time may be the difference between winning or losing your favourite candidate.
  5. Understanding their plans and priorities: Asking candidates about their plans and priorities shows that you value them as individuals. This can help to build a rapport and increase their engagement in the recruitment process.
  6. Update on changes: Update your candidates on changes that affect the recruitment processes, like holidays, and encourage them to update you about any changes in their job search, such as new offers or other applications. Again, this is good business practice and it will help to build trust.

In conclusion, keeping candidates engaged in the recruitment process is crucial to avoid dropouts. By thinking of them as employees even before you hire them, your attitude can help to build trust, transparency, and engagement, making the recruitment process a success for both the candidate and your company.


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