
Have you considered a green job?

Oct 23 | Candidates, Sustainability

There may be an environmental role out there which fits your skills and talents. If you are thinking about a change in job, you might consider finding out how your next role could be one which makes a positive change and adapts to what is needed to face massive, inevitable global environmental challenges.

Consider looking into how you can transfer the skills you have to fit this evolving need. You may need to supplement these skills with some training. There are free courses and ways to gain experience and knowledge of this kind of role with little or no cost.

It could be that you create a role for yourself within your existing career – using skills you already have. Sustainability Managers, for instance, often are specialists in their various fields before taking on sustainability tasks. Developing this as a role for yourself might then lead to becoming a full-time sustainability professional.

We are all growing in awareness of the climate emergency. Your employer might also be keen to pick you up on your interest and support you by sending you on the appropriate training.

A career coach can help give clarity and direction, as well as applications and interview prep. Equally a good recruiter, like the Worksmiths team, will also do this. Before we introduce you to a new job, we will spend time with you and get to know you – find out what drives you. We will make sure we find a role that truly represents your interests.


Image by Adrian


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